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The 21st Street Foundation is a child advocacy organization. It is our belief that the greatest resource our children are currently being deprived is the complete love and involvement of both parents. Our goal is to influence change through the development of educational media. Please help our community learn about the importance of co-parenting.

Co-parenting, also known as shared parenting, refers to a collaborative arrangement in which each parent shares in both the involvement and responsibilty for raising a child equally.
Myth: Co-parenting schedules require children to go back and forth between homes more often.
Truth is, co-parenting schedules typically increase just the length of time at a home, not the amount of transitions. In fact, the increased length of time is more likely to eliminate the need for an additional exchange. (video)
Myth: Infants form attachments to a single, primary caregiver.
Truth is, current attachment research shows most children form primary attachments to both of their parents at the same stage in their development.
Myth: Regular visits are sufficient
Truth is, current attachment research shows that evenings and overnights provide opportunities for crucial social interactions and nurturing activities that access “visits” cannot provide.
Myth: Shared parenting increases the exposure of a parent to abuse.
Truth is, the amount of in-person contact does not typically increase under shared parenting schedules, just as the amount of exchanges does not typically incresae. In fact, co-parenting schedules often decreases the amount of exchanges which in turn decreases exposure to in-person conflict.
According to Psychology Today, "more recent research has examined actual parenting time as opposed to frequency of contact (less frequent transitions, but shared or equal parenting time), and has found not only that shared parenting is not harmful in high conflict situations, but shared parenting can ameliorate the harmful effects of high conflict." (article)
Myth: Estbalishing a primary residence provides children a more consistent routine.
Truth is, what can be gained through additional time at one home can be equally lost in the other; producing no overall gain. In fact, doing so may potentially cause a child to spend time in a home with little to no consistency at all.
The treatement of co-parenting as a child advocacy issue is to focus the discussion around the ways in which co-parenting protects the best interest of our children. All else, including parental rights, is only discussed in terms of the impact upon the best interest of children.
We believe that the education of our community is the key to changing the public policies and opinions that currently dictate parent-child relationships. As such, our goal is to develop educational media (television, digital, print) on why shared parenting is in the best inerest of our children.