"Awareness is the greatest
agent of change"
Eckhart Tolle
By funding a campaign, you are investing in the distribution of educational media designed to help build awareness of the benefits of co-parenting. Contributions received will be used to fund advertising campaigns throughout the United States.
Media Type: Video (television, web)
Format: :15, :30, :60
Concept: "Most people believe that co-parenting schedules require children to go back and forth between homes more often. Truth is, co-parenting schedules typically increase just the length of time at a home without creating a single additional exchange. In fact, the increase in time can often reduce the need for an existing exchange. Get up to date on co-parenting facts at 21street.org".
Media Type: Research
Format: Surveys
Concept: Despite the existence of research on the affects of mother/fatherlessness, research on the actual causes is extremely limited. As we believe the best way to address prevention is to identify the cause of an issue, our hope is to conduct surveys that examines more than just the afteraffects.